The Cost of Vehicle on Road Test or VORT – If there is one thing that most people desire to have, it is nothing but to own a car. But owning one does not mean that you can do anything you want since you have to under go driving training and test. This is important process for you to gain proper knowledge on how to drive safely and easily acquire license as well. But there are professional drivers that desire to measure their skills to the fullest by means of undertaking such examination again. Through this, they able to understand what needs to be improved in terms of their driving, especially for those who are professionals.


If your one of them, you must never hesitate to undergo Vehicle on Road Test or also known as VORT. This type of driving test is especially designed to offer all-out contentment to drivers who wanted to progress their know-how and competitiveness about road regulations and traffic rules to the maximum level. VORT requires the driver to drive in public highways under examiners assistance to see the actual performance.

The person who is assigned to check and assess your driving skills is called the examiner. Examiner uses a marking sheet during test drive were in all five speed low maneuvers and rules are being specified for them to accomplish and remember the whole length of driving test. If you’re wondering if how much does this cost, well VORT ranges from $150.00- $180.00 plus Driving Lesson costs and Driving School vehicle use, to undertake the Vort Test.

The exact amount cannot be figured out since this differs from the driving school and professionalism of the instructors that is willing to provide their services, typically however, approximately $290.00-$310.00 for entire 2 hour period for the services and fees provided to students is a good guide. You can choose your driving instructors according to your skills as well. There are instructors that are focused on beginners, intermediates and expert driver who wanted to develop more of their abilities. They can also be the one to conduct the test depending on the set schedules given by the department of transportation, planning and infrastructure.