Prepare to Pass

Same Day Pre-Test Training & Test Packages

Included are, Examiner Booking, all Admin Fees & Automatic Safety Fitted Cars in Training and Testing. Below you will find our popular packages

Instructors combined with 100+ years of driving experience in Australia

They have assisted thousands of Learner & Overseas Students over many years 

Metro Same Day Specialised -Test Training & Driving Test Packs.

BONUS EXTRAS: Pre-Test Specialised Training receive Practice To Lesson Notes to fast track your training FREE*

Guaranteed learning. High 1st time pass rate. 

Professional In-Car Pre-Test Lesson Sessions

Every week new students are booking in to get best ready to Pass their Test too. Most say "they've learnt more here with Prepare To Pass in their 1st lesson, than they had in their last 5,10 or 15 lessons they paid for, elsewhere"

Driver Training Experience

Advanced training methods, becomes a game changer once Students attend Prepare To Pass Driving School. Our structured training deliver Students greater understanding in various skills not commonly taught elsewhere.

Learner Driver Instruction

Dont get taken for joy rides, thinking thats driving lessons. Instead the focus should be: (1) Learn To Drive to Government standards. (2) Train to easily undertake the 5 slow speed manoeuvres & (3) Apply NOT breaking Road Laws.