Adelaide Schools

Driving is a risky activity. To be safe on the road, you need lots of preparation and qualifying tests to hold a required licence to drive. You need to be prepared yourself and be a responsible road manager because being on the road means that your are literally and figuratively— at risk of being amongst all other road users. Adelaide driving schools have always been keen on offering practical driving lessons for passing VORT Test. For Learners, before you can get a P1 license, P2 license and full driving license, there are series of Tests you need to pass first.


Practical Tests for Motor Driving

Before you can get your full licence, the first thing you need to have is your P1 and P2 licenses. But before you can have any of these two licences, you need to first pass a series of theory and practical driving tests. For P1 license what you want is a Certificate of Competency. You will be able to get this once you pass the two tests. The first is VORT which stands for Vehicle on the Road Test together with obtaining 75 hours of supervised driving and confidence . The other is CBT & A. CBT stands for Competency Based Training and Assessment course, which can take quite some time and many, many hours in Lessons to accomplish. The most economical means in obtaining a P1 Licence is the VORT Test which combined in a students 75 hours of practicle driving time, aims to test your ability, skills and knowledge on safe driving and perception of hazardous road situations. CBT, on the other hand, is a course of training on safety driving. Passing any of these two driving test means you are competent in safe driving and that you earned the right for your P1 licence.


images40For P2 licence, the P1 Licence Holder is required to meet time period and minimal loss driving demerit points, you will also need to pass is the HPT. HPT is Hazard Perception Test. It is a computer generated test which aims like VORT and CBT & A aims to measure your ability and skills in determining hazardous situations, how you react to it, and how quick you are in recognizing it. In case that you incurred demerits in your P1 licence, besides from HPT you will be required to take the Driver Awareness course to make sure that you know your responsibilities as a road user. After taking the required practical driving tests and acquiring your P1 and P2 licence, you are now ready to receive your full license provided you fulfilled other prerequisites.